Bern (Switzerland), 16 - 19 October 2011
Item 1 |
Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the 125th Assembly |
Item 2 |
Consideration of possible requests for the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda |
Item 3 |
Panel discussions on the subject items chosen for debate during the 126th Assembly (Kampala, 31 March -5 April 2012):
(a) Promoting and practising good governance as a means of advancing peace and security: Drawing lessons from recent events in the Middle East and North Africa (First Standing Committee)
(b) Redistribution of power, not just wealth: Ownership of the international agendas (Second Standing Committee)
(c) Access to health as a basic right: The role of parliaments in addressing key challenges to securing the health of women and children (Third Standing Committee)
Item 4 |
Report of the IPU Committee on United Nations Affairs |
Item 5 |
Amendments to the Statutes and Rules of the IPU |
Item 6 |
The plight of the people of famine-stricken Somalia and relief efforts by IPU Members |
Items proposed | Author | Date of receipt | Accompanying documents |
The plight of the people of famine-stricken Somalia and relief efforts by IPU Members |
Namibia |
30 August 2011 |
[English] [French] |
Realizing the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination |
Palestine |
12 October 2011 |
[English] [French] |
The need to further mobilize international support and strengthen international efforts to assist the Somali people suffering from famine |
Islamic Republic of Iran |
16 October 2011 |
[English] [French] |
Procedure to be followed:
Under the terms of Assembly Rule 11.1, any Member of the Union may request the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda. Such a request must be accompanied by a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution which clearly define the scope of the subject covered by the request. The Secretariat shall communicate the request and any such documents immediately to all Members.
Furthermore, Assembly Rule 11.2 stipulates that:
(a) A request for the inclusion of an emergency item must relate to a major event of international concern on which it appears necessary for the IPU to express its opinion. Such a request must receive a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in order to be accepted;
(b) The Assembly may place only one emergency item on its agenda. Should several requests obtain the requisite majority, the one having received the largest number of positive votes shall be accepted;
(c) The authors of two or more requests for the inclusion of an emergency item may combine their proposals to present a joint one, provided that each of the original proposals relates to the same subject;
(d) The subject of a proposal that has been withdrawn by its authors or rejected by the Assembly cannot be included in the draft resolution submitted on the emergency item, unless it is clearly referred to in the request and title of the subject adopted by the Assembly.
Updated on 12 January 2012 |
Title and code | Available versions |
Daily Journal |
19 October 2011 |
[English] [French] |
18 October 2011 |
[English] [French] |
17 October 2011 |
[English] [French] |
16 October 2011 |
[English] [French] |
Assembly |
Complete electronic version of the brochure "Results of the 125th IPU Assembly and related meetings" |
[English] [French] |
List of participants |
[Bilingual] |
Detailed deliberations of the 125th Assembly |
[English] [French] |
Texts of resolutions and declarations of the 125th Assembly |
[English] [French] |
Speech of the Speaker of the Swiss National Council, Mr. Jean-René Germanier, at the inaugural session of the Assembly |
[English] [French] |
Speech of the President of the Swiss Council of States, Mr. Hansheiri Inderkum, at the inaugural session of the Assembly |
[English] [French] |
Speech of the Mayor of Bern, Mr. Alexander Tschäppät, at the inaugural session of the Assembly |
[English] |
Speech of the IPU President, Dr. Theo-Ben Gurirab, at the inaugural session of the Assembly |
[English] [French] |
Speech of the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, at the inaugural session of the Assembly |
[English] |
Speech of the President of the Swiss Confederation, Ms. Micheline Calmy-Rey, at the inaugural session of the Assembly |
[French] |
Convocation of the 125th IPU Assembly A/125/C.1 (16 June 2011) |
[English] [French] |
First Standing Committee - Draft report prepared by Mr. M. Gyöngyösi (Hungary), co-Rapporteur A/125/3(a)-R.1 (5 September 2011) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
First Standing Committee - Draft report prepared by Mr. J.J. Mwiimbu (Zambia), co-Rapporteur
A/125/3(a)-R.2 (5 September 2011) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Second Standing Committee - Draft report prepared by Lord Judd, co-Rapporteur A/125/3(b)-R.1 (5 September 2011) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Second Standing Committee - Draft report prepared by Mr. O. Benabdallah (Morocco), co-Rapporteur A/125/3(b)-R.2 (5 September 2011) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Third Standing Committee - Draft report prepared by the co-Rapporteurs A/125/3(c)-R.1 (5 September 2011) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Special event: Panel discussion on the reform of the financial markets (version 14/10/11) |
[English] [French] |
IPU Committee on United Nations Affairs |
Provisional agenda UNC/2011/A.1 (12 September 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Background paper on the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
UNC/2011/2-Inf.1 (4 October 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Panel discussion on "Nuclear Weapons - The Road to Zero"
UNC/2011/3-R.1.Rev. (15 October 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Parliaments and the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries
UNC/2011/4-R.1 (10 October 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Istanbul Declaration |
[English] [French] |
Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020 |
[English] [French] |
Report on the parliamentary field mission to Sierra Leone and Ghana UNC/2011/5-R.1 (23 September 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Panel discussion "The green economy: A breakthrough for sustainable development?"
UNC/2011/6-R.1 (29 September 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Pre-draft of the Outcome Document of the Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference in Durban, submitted by the Parlaiment of the Republic of South Africa UNC/2011/7-DR.1 (15 September 2011) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Governing Council |
Summary record of the 189th session of the Governing Council  |
[English] [French] |
Detailed deliberations of the 189th session of the Governing Council |
[English] [French] |
Convocation of the 189th Session of the Governing Council CL/189/C.1 (20 July 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Election of the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union: Candidature of Mr. Abdelwahad RADI (Morocco) CL/189/16-P.1 (24 May 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Election of the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union: Candidature of Mrs. Nurhayati ALI ASSEGAF (Indonesia) CL/189/16-P.2 (29 September 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Council resolutions on human rights cases |
[English] [French] |
Interim Report of the Secretary General on the activities of the Union since the 188th session of the Governing Council CL/189/5-R.1 (21 September 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Approved 2012 consolidated budget
CL/189/7-P.1 |
[English] [French] |
Draft 2012 consolidated budget CL/189/7-P.1 |
[English] [French] |
Cooperation with the United Nations system CL/189/8-R.1 (21 September 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Parliamentary Forum on the occasion of LDC IV
CL/189/10(a)-R.1 (20 September 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Parliamentary Briefing at the 2011 UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS CL/189/10(b)-R.1 (5 September 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Regional Seminar for Asian Parliaments "Preventing and responding to violence against women and girls: From legislation to effective enforcement"
CL/189/10(d)-R.1 (10 October 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Fourth parliamentary Forum on Shaping the Information Society
CL/189/10(e)-R.1 (10 October 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Parliamentary Panel within the framework of the Annual WTO Public Forum
CL/189/10(f)-R.1 (2 October 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Miscellaneous documents |
Vacancies to be filled during the 125th Assembly
A/125/Inf.1.Rev.1 (29 September 2011) |
[English] [French] |
Note: Files in PDF format require Adobe Acrobat Reader
(La traducción es responsabilidad de la Secretaría del GRULAC / Translation under the responsibility of the GRULAC Secretariat)
Date |
Plenary sittings / Panel discussions |
Committees / Panel discussions and other events |
In camera sittings |
ASGP meetings |
10.00 - 13.00 Executive Committee
Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO |
15.00 - 18.00 Executive Committee
Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO
09.00 - 10.00
Gender Partnership Group
Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO
09.30 - 12.30
Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
Wankdorf & Belpmoos Rooms, Novotel
10.00 - 13.00 Executive Committee Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO |
14.30 - 17.30 Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
Wankdorf & Belpmoos Rooms, Novotel
15.00 - 17.00 Executive Committee
Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO |
09.00 - 13.00 Coordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians
Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO
09.30 - 12.30
Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
Wankdorf & Belpmoos Rooms, Novotel |
14.15 – 14.45
Meeting of Advisers and Secretaries to delegations
Halle 1.1, level 0, BERNEXPO |
14.30 - 17.30 Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
Wankdorf & Belpmoos Rooms, Novotel
14.30 - 18.00
Committee on Middle East Questions
Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO
15.15 - 17.00
Working Group on the scale of contributions
Congress Room 2, level 2, BERNEXPO |
18.30 - 19.30
Inaugural Ceremony of the 125th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Halle 2.2, level 1, BERNEXPO |
09.00 - 11.30
Governing Council: membership; reports; finance; presentation of the budget
Halle 2.2, level 1, BERNEXPO
11.30 - 13.00
Assembly: Opening; Adoption of an emergency item
Halle 2.2, level 1, BERNEXPO |
09.00 - 13.00
IPU Committee on UN Affairs: Hearing with Jorge Sampaio, High Representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations , followed by Debate on Nuclear Weapons – the Road to Zero
Halle 2.0, level -1, BERNEXPO |
08.00 - 08.45 Assembly Steering Committee
Congress Room 6, level 3, BERNEXPO
09.30 - 12.30
Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
Wankdorf & Belpmoos Rooms, Novotel |
ASGP Executive Committee
Halle 1.2, level 1, BERNEXPO
ASGP Meeting
Congress Room 2, level 2, BERNEXPO |
14.30 - 18.30
Assembly: Debate on the emergency item
Halle 2.2, level 1, BERNEXPO |
14.30 - 18.00
IPU Committee on UN Affairs: Outcome of Istanbul Conference on LDCs; Report of Advisory Group on UN Affairs; Discussion on interaction between the United Nations, national Parliaments and the IPU
Halle 2.0, level -1, BERNEXPO |
14.30 ASGP Meeting
Congress Room 2, level 2, BERNEXPO |
09.00 – 11.00
Special event on Reform of the financial markets
Halle 1.1, level 0, BERNEXPO
09.00 - 12.30
Panel discussion on Access to health as a basic right: Key challenges to women's and children's health (subject to be discussed by the Third Standing Committee during the 126th Assembly in April 2012)
Halle 2.0, level -1, BERNEXPO |
09.00 - 13.00
Drafting committee on emergency item
Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO
11.30 - 13.00
Advisory Group of the IPU Committee
on UN Affairs
Wankdorf & Belpmoos Rooms, Novotel |
08.30 - 09.00 ASGP Executive Committee
Halle 1.2, level 1, BERNEXPO 09.00 - 11.30 ASGP Meeting
Congress Room 2, level 2, BERNEXPO |
13.30 - 14.30
Meeting between women parliamentarians and candidates for the IPU Presidency
Halle 1.1, level 0, BERNEXPO
14.00 - 17.30
Panel discussion on Redistribution of power not just wealth (subject to be discussed by the Second Standing Committee during the 126th Assembly in April 2012)
Halle 2.0, level -1, BERNEXPO
14.30 - 18.00
Panel discussion on Promoting and practising good governance (subject to be discussed by the First Standing Committee during the 126th Assembly in April 2012)
Halle 2.2, level 1, BERNEXPO |
15.00 - 18.00
Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
Wankdorf & Belpmoos Rooms, Novotel
16.00 - 17.00
Gender Partnership Group
Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO
16.00 - 20.00
HIV/AIDS Advisory Group
Second Informal meeting room,
Halle 3.2, level 1, BERNEXPO
17.30 - 19.00
Executive Committee
Congress Room 1, level 2, BERNEXPO |
Visit to the Federal Assembly |
10.00 - 13.00
Governing Council: debate and adoption of the budget; IPU reform
Halle 2.2, level 1, BERNEXPO |
09.00 - 13.00
IPU Committee on UN Affairs: briefing and debate on the green economy and preparations for the 2012 Summit on Sustainable Development; Finalization and adoption of the Committee outcome document
Halle 2.0, level -1, BERNEXPO |
09.30 ASGP Executive Committee
Halle 1.2, level 1, BERNEXPO
10.00 ASGP Meeting
Congress Room 2, level 2, BERNEXPO |
14.30 - 16.00
Governing Council
Halle 2.2, level 1, BERNEXPO
16.00 - 17.30
Assembly: adoption of resolution and closing session
Halle 2.2, level 1, BERNEXPO |
14.30 ASGP Meeting
Congress Room 2, level 2, BERNEXPO |