IPU Finance and Administration
The Inter-Parliamentary Union is a global political organization possessing an international legal personality in international law.
The IPU is governed by its Statutes and has signed a headquarters agreement with the Swiss authorities. It is also recognized as a public international organization in the United States of America, where it enjoys the privileges, exemptions, and immunities conferred by the International Organizations Immunities Act. The corresponding executive order was signed by the US President in August 1998, following the opening of the Office of the Permanant Observer of the IPU to the United Nations in New York.
The IPU has four organs: the Assembly, the Governing Council, the Executive Committee and the Secretariat. Whereas the Assembly is the principal statutory body that expresses the views of the IPU on political issues, the Governing Council ensures overall planning and control of implementation of the Union's activities. The Executive Committee is the main administrative organ.
The administration of the IPU Secretariat is entrusted to the Secretary General, who prepares and submits to the Executive Committee an annual work programme and draft budget of the Union. The Secretary General is responsible for the implementation of the approved budget and the administration of the Union's assets in accordance with the Financial Regulations. The Secretary General provides the Executive Committee with full information on the financial situation of the Union and developments in its income and expenditures.
The following pages contain detailed information on the various aspects of administration of material, financial and human resources of the IPU.
 | Budget and finance. As a public organization, the IPU obtains its financial resources and reports on its expenditures in a fully transparent way. Its procedures and regulations regarding voluntary contributions and procurement are likewise public and transparent. [ More ... ]
|  | Human resources. The compact team of the IPU Secretariat is stationed mainly in Geneva, with a few staff members posted also in New York, in the Office of the Permanant Observer of the IPU to the United Nations. The staff works under the direction of the IPU Secretary General. Browse through this section to learn about vacancies, consultancies and internship opportunities in the IPU Secretariat. [ More ... ] |
IPU Headquarters. The IPU moved to its new headquarters in 2002, but has been historically linked with Switzerland and Geneva for more than a century now. Known as the "House of Parliaments", the current IPU Headquarters offers a unique architectural blend of modernity and tradition. [ More ... ] |