Title and code | Available versions |
Assembly |
Convocation of the 122nd IPU Assembly A/122/C.1 (27 November 2009) |
[English] [French] |
Complete electronic version of the brochure "Results of the 122nd IPU Assembly and related meetings" |
[English] [French] |
Detailed deliberations of the 122nd Assembly |
[English] [French] |
Texts of resolutions adopted by the 122nd Assembly |
[English] [French] |
Message to the 122nd IPU Assembly by the United Nations Secretary-General |
[English] [French] |
First Standing Committee (Peace and International Security) |
Convocation C-I/122/C (26 January 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Amendments to the revised draft resolution C-I/122/DR-am (15 March 2010) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Revised draft resolution prepared by the co-Rapporteurs C-I/122/DR-rev (15 February 2010) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Preliminary draft resolution prepared by the co-Rapporteurs C-I/122/DR-pre (18 December 2009) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Report prepared by the co-Rapporteurs C-I/122/R-rev (4 January 2010) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Summary Records of the panel discussion held during the 121st Assembly (October 2009) on the subject item "Cooperation and shared responsibility in the global fight against organized crime, in particular drug trafficking, illegal arms sales, human trafficking and cross-border terrorism" |
[English] [French] |
Second Standing Committee (Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade) |
Convocation C-II/122/C (26 January 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Amendments to the revised draft resolution C-II/122/DR-am (15 March 2010) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Revised draft resolution prepared by the co-Rapporteurs C-II/120/DR-rev (15 February 2010) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Preliminary draft resolution prepared by the co-Rapporteurs C-II/122/DR-pre (18 December 2009) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Report prepared by the co-Rapporteurs C-II/122/R-rev (22 December 2009) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Summary Records of the panel discussion held during the 121st Assembly (October 2009) on the subject item "The role of parliaments in developing South-South and Triangular Cooperation with a view to accelerating achievement of the Millennium Development Goals" |
[English] [French] |
Third Standing Committee (Democracy and Human Rights) |
Convocation C-III/122/C (26 January 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Amendments to the revised draft resolution C-III/122/DR-am (15 March 2010) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Revised draft resolution prepared by the co-Rapporteurs C-III/122/DR-rev (15 February 2010) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Preliminary draft resolution prepared by the co-Rapporteurs C-III/122/DR-pre (4 January 2010) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Report prepared by the co-Rapporteurs C-III/122/R-rev (18 December 2009) |
[English] [French]
[English] [French] |
Summary Records of the panel discussion held during the 121st Assembly (October 2009) on the subject item "Youth participation in the democratic process" |
[English] [French] |
Governing Council |
Summary records of the 186th session |
[English] [French] |
Detailed deliberations of the 186th session of the Governing Council |
[English] [French] |
Council resolutions on human rights cases |
[English] [French] |
Convocation of the 186th Session of the Governing Council CL/186/C.1 (21 December 2009) |
[English] [French] |
Report on the activities of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in 2009 |
[English] [French] |
Report of the President of the IPU on his activities since the 185th session of the Governing Council CL/186/5(a)-R.1 (8 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Regional conference and iKNOW politics partners Arabic website launch CL/186/7(a)-R.1 (25 February 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: World e-Parliament Conference 2009 CL/186/7(b)-R.1 (3 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Parliamentary Meeting on the Occasion of the World Summit on Food Security CL/186/7(c)-R.1 (26 February 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Joint IPU-UN Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations CL/186/7(d)-R.1 (5 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Conference on "Ensuring Access to Health for All Women and Newborn - The Role of Parliaments "
CL/186/7(e)-R.1 (16 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Regional Seminar on the contribution of parliaments to long-term peace in the extended Great Lakes region CL/186/7(f)-R.1 (3 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Fourth regional Conference of women parliamentarians and women in political decision-making positions of the Gulf Cooperation Council States CL/186/7(g)-R.1 (18 February 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Regional conference for the Twelve Plus on Migration and Violence Against Women CL/186/7(h)-R.1 (19 February 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Regional seminar on HIV/AIDS for the parliaments of the IPU Asia-Pacific Group CL/186/7(i)-R.1 (10 February 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Reports on recent IPU specialized conferences and meetings: Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of COP15 CL/186/7(j)-R.1 (3 February 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Regional Seminar for the Twelve Plus Group of the IPU on human trafficking CL/186/7(l)-R.1 (9 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Cooperation with the United Nations system CL/185/8-R.1 (3 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Overview of progress in IPU-UN cooperation since 2005 CL/185/8-Inf (20 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Report on activities carried out under the Programme for the Promotion of Democracy CL/186/11(a)-R.1 (19 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Activities of Committees and other bodies. Advisory Group on HIV/AIDS: field visit to Viet Nam CL/186/12(g)-R.1 (10 February 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Preparations for the 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament
CL/186/13-R.1 (15 February 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Meeting of Women Parliamentarians |
Convocation of the 15th Meeting of Women Parliamentarians FEM/15/C.1 (28 January 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Elections to the Coordinating Committee: Information note FEM/15/3(b)-Inf.1 (15 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Questions relating to the panel discussion on "The Role of Parliaments in Fulfilling the Convention on the Rights of the Child", organized in cooperation with UNICEF
FEM/15/3(d)-Inf.1 (15 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Arrangements for the debate: Information note
FEM/15/4-Inf.1 (16 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |
Special Dialogue Session between Women and Men "Combating Violence against Women, with a particular focus on women held in places of detention and imprisonment"
[English] [French] |
Miscellaneous documents |
Vacancies to be filled during the 122nd Assembly
A/122/Inf.1.rev (15 March 2010) |
[English] [French] |