Founded in 1889, the IPU has traditionally reflected in its ranks
the low proportion and visibility of women in national politics.
Disgruntled that they were unable to have an impact on its programmes
and policies, a small but active group of women took the initiative
to set up a women's caucus in IPU in 1978.
Up until 1983, meetings of women MPs were held occasionally during IPU's statutory sessions, taking the form either of meetings proper, a luncheon or a gathering over tea. In 1983, the women MPs voiced the possibility of establishing an autonomous association under the auspices of the IPU: after
thorough analysis, an option in favour of mainstreaming was made
in the belief that women's interests would be better served if
they got together at each IPU Conference to determine the means
through which they could exert an influence on the policies, working
and decisions of the Organisation.
Since 1986, a whole-day session is held on the eve of the IPU
Assembly (formerly Conference), so that women MPs may decide on strategies in advance
in order to make known their views and concerns during the session.
In April 1990, the role, objectives and working methods of the
Meetings of Women MP were formally set out in a document and the Co-ordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians, a permanent structure, was established in order to co-ordinate its activities and ensure continuity. Held under the chairmanship of a woman MP from the host country, the Meeting of Women MPs is formally opened in the presence of the highest governmental and parliamentary authorities of that country. Technical support is officially provided by the IPU Secretariat since 1985.
In April 1998, women parliamentarians recommended that in every
IPU member Parliament one woman MP should act as a "focal
point" to relay to all other women MPs - whatever their political
party and even if they belong to the other Chamber - information
on the Union's activities to promote partnership between men and
women. The aim is to increase awareness of the Union's work in
this field within national Parliament, but also to enrich the
Union's activity through their reflection and national experience
as Members of Parliament.
In 1999, new provisions of the Union’s Statutes and Rules were introduced, officially recognising the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians and its Coordinating Committee. Rules of the Meeting and of its Coordinating Committee were adopted in Brussels, at the 100th Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. In addition, by virtue of one of the new provisions of the Statutes, the President of the Coordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians is henceforth an ex officio member of the Executive Committee. This initiative has made it possible to add a voice to those of the women MPs already elected to the Executive Committee, so that they may represent all of the Union’s female members.
- Increased gender sensitivity within the IPU which has been
able to develop a sustained programme on women's issues, centred
particularly on women's political participation and comprising a series of world comparative surveys (both statistical and substantial),
a series of specialised meetings and comprehensive strategies to remedy the current gender imbalance with regard to political participation.
- Awareness that women's low political integration is a major
cause of democratic deficit worldwide.
- Advocacy of the principle of equality between men and women,
coupled with an acknowledgement of their differences and complementarity.
- Promotion of partnership between men and women as an avenue
to reach a more democratic form of government and a more democratic
society at large.
- Action to eradicate violence against women.
- Generating awareness of the impact of the media on the status
of women and the public image of women politicians.
- Increased visibility and influence for women MPs.
- Establishment of a formal mechanism through which the Meeting
of Women MPs reports on its work and presents recommendations
to the Governing Council.
- More regular inclusion on IPU's agenda of items concerning
women or presenting special interest for them.
- Amendment in 1988 to IPU's Statutes providing that its Executive
Committee should include at least two women among its twelve members.
The first woman ever to enter that governing body was elected
that year and, since then, it has always included between two
to five women; on two occasions, a woman was elected as its Vice-President.
- Amendment in 1990 to the IPU's Statutes stipulating that Parliaments
which comprise women members must include at least one woman in
their delegations to IPU statutory meetings. A gradual and notable increase in the percentage of women delegates has followed.
- Amendment in 1991 to the Rules of the IPU Assembly providing for gender balance within all drafting committees.
- Amendment in 1995 of the language of IPU Statutes and Rules
to eliminate any wording likely to convey a message of superiority
of one gender over the other.
- Setting up of a Gender Partnership Group in 1997.
- Amendment in 1999 of the Union’s Statutes and Rules, which now officially provide that a Meeting of Women Parliamentarians, assisted by a Coordinating Committee, will meet on the occasion of each session of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference and will report to the Council on its work.
- Adoption of Rules of the Meeting and of its Coordinating Committee.
- The President of the Coordinating Committee has been an ex officio member of the Union’s Executive Committee since 1999.