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Consell general
Parliamentary bodies dealing with human rights :
Parliamentary Committee for Social Affairs

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Consell general
Date of creation 2 -3 September 1993
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committee considers bills assigned to it and human rights issues. It receives a yearly report from the National Mediator (Raonador del Ciutadà), which it examines before presenting it to the Assembly.
Membership The Committee consists of seven members of parliament, representation being proportional to the number of deputies for each parliamentary group. Members are selected by their parliamentary groups, who put forward their candidates for consideration by the Bureau of the Assembly and the chairpersons of the political groups (Junta de Presidents ) (Art. 38 of the Rules). The term of office is the same as that of the legislature.
Working methods The Committee examines the projects and legislative proposals assigned to it by the chairpersons of the political groups (Junta de Presidents). It examines the information provided in the yearly reports of the National Mediator (Raonador del Ciutadà). Meetings to prepare reports for submission to the Assembly are not public. Other meetings, such as information sessions held by members of government, are public.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies Legislative initiatives or reports are received by the Bureau of the Presidency (Sindicatura) and the chairpersons of the political groups (Junta de Presidents) may submit these texts and any amendments for examination by the Committee; the Committee has three months to examine the texts. When the examination is complete, the Committee presents its report to the Chamber. Members of the Committee may express reservations about the Committee's report.
Relations with external bodies The Committee may ask the government or any authority or government official for information and documents which it considers necessary to the fulfillment of its mandate. It may also invite members of government, government officials or any other citizen, but may not request the presence of members of the judicial system. The Committee may request the Mediator to be present for the examination of his/her annual report.
Subjects dealt with In December 2002 , the Committee was analysing an extraordinary report by the Mediator concerning delays in the administration of justice. It also informally examined a draft of the new Penal Code.
Main address Parliamentary Committee on Social Affairs
Consell General
Casa de la Vall
C/de la Vall
s/n AD 500 Andorra la Vella
Phone +376 87 78 77
Fax +376 86 98 63
E-mail lurdes_font@parlament.ad, lurdesfont@andorra.ad
Website http://www.consellgeneral.ad
Name Ms. Celina Mandicó García
Notes Chairperson
Name Mr. Josep Hinojosa
Notes Secretary
Address (if different from above)
Phone +376 87 78 77
Fax +376 86 98 63
E-mail josep_hinojosa@parlament.ad
web site: ...

Information on this page was last updated on 21 July 2009
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