Resolution adopted without a vote by the Inter-Parliamentary
Referring to the outline of the case, as contained in the report of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians (CL/162/11(a)-R.1), and to the resolution adopted at its 161st session (September 1997) concerning the case of Mr. Marc Atidépé, Mr. Tavio Amorin and Mr. Gaston Aziaduvo Edeh, of Togo, Taking into consideration the information provided by the Togolese delegation to a Committee member on the occasion of the 99th Inter-Parliamentary Conference (April 1998), Recalling that Mr. Atidépé, Mr. Amorin and Mr. Edeh were assassinated in May and July 1992 and February 1994, respectively; that the killings were allegedly carried out by military personnel, Also recalling that, contrary to the information provided by the authorities up until June 1996, the investigations into these assassinations were shelved under the 1994 Amnesty Law covering all politically motivated offences and crimes committed before that date, Further recalling in this connection the will of the Togolese authorities to take into consideration the question of the right to restitution, compensation and redress, as manifested in a Government report submitted on 6 March 1996 to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and by the Togolese delegation to the 96th Inter-Parliamentary Conference (September 1996), Finally recalling that, at the hearing held in Cairo, the President of the National Assembly stated that he would take the necessary initiatives with the Government to ensure that the families of the deputies concerned received adequate compensation, Considering that, by decision N° 1237/MEF/DF/DCO dated 25 November 1997, the Government decided to award compensation of CFA.F 10,000,000 each to the families of Mr. Atidépé, Mr. Amorin and Mr. Edeh and that, according to the Togolese delegation, this sum has already been transferred to the bank account of the National Assembly, whose President was to ensure its payment to the families of the victims,