Resolution adopted without a vote by the 97th Inter-Parliamentary
The 97th Inter-Parliamentary Conference, Bearing in mind that one of the goals of the United Nations, as set out in its Charter, is to maintain international peace and security, and to that end, to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to peace, Mindful that, by alleviating international tensions and strengthening confidence between States, the end of the Cold War has created a climate conducive to consolidating international co-operation for the establishment of security and stability at the international and regional levels, Concerned by the dangers which still threaten security and stability, including ethnic, nationalist and religious disputes and tensions, as well as the arms race and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in certain regions, all of which are compounded by the growing threat of terrorism, Mindful of the other threats and dangers to the security of persons, societies and States, which stem from environmental degradation, poverty, drug use, political unrest, the growing number of refugees and displaced persons, and human rights violations, Considering that it is incumbent upon all States to co-operate in establishing security, stability and peace while respecting the sovereignty and independence of all States equally, Recalling that the United Nations increasingly needs the support of regional organisations, in accordance with Chapter VIII of the UN Charter, in resolving global problems, Drawing attention to the report presented in 1992 by the previous UN Secretary-General entitled "An Agenda for Peace: Preventive Diplomacy, Peace-making and Peacekeeping", as well as the supplement to "An Agenda for Peace" presented on the occasion of the celebration of the UN's 50th anniversary in 1995, Emphasising that national sovereignty and the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of States are cornerstones of transnational co-operation, Considering that the principle of non-interference is consistent with the international community's duty to protect inalienable human rights and oppressed minorities, and that the violation of fundamental human rights can pose a threat to international security and stability, Welcoming the latest developments in the field of disarmament and arms control, including the signing of the Treaty on a complete nuclear test ban and the creation of zones free from nuclear weapons in various regions of the world, Mindful of the pressing need to strengthen co-operation and co-ordination between the United Nations and regional organisations with a view to establishing peace, security and stability at the international and regional levels, Asserting that humanitarian aid must be granted in cases of emergency and times of crisis, in accordance with the humanitarian principles of impartiality and integrity, in observance of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of States and with the consent of Governments, where such authority exists, Concerned by the problems posed by national laws that have extraterritorial effects, Stressing the key role that parliamentary diplomacy plays in establishing regional and universal security and stability, either through the support which parliamentary institutions give to action by the United Nations and regional organisations in this field or by the efforts they are making or can make to prevent, end and alleviate conflicts, 1. Invites all States to fulfill their obligations under international law, to refrain from the threat or use of force and to respect the inviolability of the borders of States and territorial integrity, the right of peoples to self-determination, the equality of States in respect of sovereignty and non-interference in their internal affairs, and human rights; 2. Stresses the need to enhance the credibility and effectiveness of the United Nations with regard to the settlement of international disputes in accordance with the principles and provisions of the Charter, and to strengthen its means of establishing international peace and security and settling all disputes without distinction or discrimination, taking pains to ensure that it has the financial, human and technical resources it needs to fulfill its mission; 3. Calls for the strengthening of co-operation and co-ordination between regional organisations and the United Nations in the fields of preventive diplomacy and the re-establishment, maintenance and consolidation of peace and security, by means of co-ordination, dialogue, diplomatic support and the provision of technical and human resources for UN operations and for participation in such operations; 4. Asks all actors of the international community to step up their efforts for arms control and disarmament, particularly the prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; 5. Appeals to all countries which have not yet done so to ratify promptly the Chemical Weapons Convention; 6. Recalls the resolution on "Worldwide ban on anti-personnel mines and the need for mine clearance for humanitarian purposes" adopted by the 96th Inter-Parliamentary Conference (Beijing, September 1996); 7. Underlines the importance of such confidence-building measures as the promotion of openness and restraint in the production, deployment and transfer of armaments, the systematic exchange of military missions, the formation of regional risk reduction centres, arrangements for the free flow of information and the monitoring of regional arms control and disarmament agreements; 8. Stresses the need for co-ordination in the setting-up of international forces for preventive deployment in crisis areas; 9. Urges all States or groups of States to refrain from using coercive measures in the conduct of international relations or enacting national laws that have extraterritorial effects on any other State; 10. Calls on Governments and Parliaments to facilitate recourse to eminent persons for diplomatic initiatives aimed at preventing and resolving conflicts; 11. Expresses keen interest in efforts to ensure peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, the last remaining legacy of the Cold War, as well as hope for further progress in the Four-Party Talks and the realisation of multilateral dialogue between the Parliaments of the countries concerned; 12. Calls on Governments to respect everyone's right to speak out on human rights issues in all parts of the world; 13. Urges the United Nations to co-operate actively and interact with the IPU in the interests of conflict settlement and preventive diplomacy; 14. Appeals to all Parliaments the world over: (a) To intensify parliamentary diplomacy in order to contribute to international and regional security and stability based on the universal principles of non-interference, equal status, territorial integrity, independence of all States and respect for human rights, as set out in the UN Charter; (b) To spare no efforts to prevent armed conflicts by identifying and analysing the causes with a view to finding solutions; (c) To secure contributions to humanitarian relief efforts in cases of emergency, while overseeing their use as closely as possible; (d) To promote the development of democratisation and good governance; (e) To combat any ethnic, nationalistic or religious excesses by the State; (f) To hold parliamentary debates on the issues raised in this resolution.