Resolution adopted by consensus by the 105th Inter-Parliamentary Conference
Affirming the validity of the principles of international law and the duty of all States, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered; and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, Recalling that the signatory States of the United Nations Charter are bound to respect the principles of non-intervention, self-determination, and the protection of human rights, Reaffirming that the General Assembly is the most representative organ of the United Nations and that the United Nations Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, Acknowledging that, as part of their crucial role and responsibility, in ensuring the peace, order and good governance of the peoples and territories they represent, national parliaments have a duty to incorporate in domestic law international obligations and commitments assumed in respect of peace and disarmament, humanitarian law and human rights law, Recognising that the Inter-Parliamentary Union, as the world organisation of parliaments, plays an important role in promoting peace and international cooperation in furtherance of and in conformity with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations (Article 1, UN-IPU Cooperation Agreement), Reaffirming the importance of the observance and implementation of the norms and principles of international humanitarian law, Recognising that any attempt to use international law, including international humanitarian law, as a lever for the advancement of politically motivated objectives seriously obstructs efforts to secure greater respect for the purposes and principles of international law, Considering that the existence and development of nations depend to a large extent on respect for the international law that governs relations between them and on growing awareness that any breaches of it are likely to threaten them and even jeopardise their existence, Considering that since the diversity of its sources has made international law difficult to apply in some cases, efforts to promote its codification need to be pursued, Welcoming efforts by the United Nations to develop and update the rules of international law to respond to new circumstances, and commending the work of the International Law Commission, which has successfully prepared drafts of international instruments covering various fields, Deeming it essential to respond effectively to new types of threats, in particular by taking steps to combat organised crime, narcotics production and trafficking, money laundering and terrorism, Welcoming the development of other norms of international law designed to minimise threats to international peace and security, through the prohibition and restriction of the use of weapons of mass destruction and certain conventional weapons, the development of the laws of armed conflict, the protection of fundamental human rights and the status of refugees, and the coordination of technical and development assistance, Welcoming and fully supporting United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), entitled "Women and peace and security", and bearing in mind the specific recommendations on women and war made in the Beijing Platform for Action, and the outcome document of the "Beijing+5" Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Welcoming especially progress toward the establishment of the International Criminal Court, which will play a crucial role in securing observance of the principles of international law in the interests of world peace and security by providing a forum to investigate and prosecute, in cases where no State is genuinely able or willing to do so, the commission of the worst crimes of international concern, namely the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, Underscoring the importance of the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes, and the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its 44th session proclaiming the period from 1990 to 1999 as the "United Nations Decade for International Law", Mindful of the resolution adopted by the 90th Inter-Parliamentary Conference (September 1993) concerning "Respect for international humanitarian law and support to humanitarian action in armed conflicts", and of the resolution adopted by the 91st Inter-Parliamentary Conference (March 1994) on "Prevention of conflicts, maintenance and consolidation of peace: Role and means of the United Nations and regional organisations", and the resolution adopted by the 104th Conference (October 2000) regarding economic sanctions, especially operative paragraph 10 urging States to envisage the elaboration of an instrument of international law codifying the humanitarian standards to be respected when economic sanctions are introduced, Supporting recent efforts to improve protection for the rights of women and children in times of conflict and times of peace alike, in particular through recent conventions and protocols,