Adopted without a vote by the IPU Council at its 168th session (Havana, 7 April 2001)
Globalisation has not only dramatically changed the pattern of
international development co-operation but has also brought new
challenges in its wake, especially for the least developed countries
(LDCs). The LDCs are now having to shoulder additional duties
and responsibilities in the form of conditionalities and obligations,
at times imposed through multilateral trade, investment and intellectual
property frameworks.
The binding obligations and responsibilities of LDCs are not necessarily
matched by corresponding obligations for the developed countries,
despite the existence of non-binding indicative targets such as
the 0.7% GNP target for Official Development Assistance (ODA).
Since the developed countries are not firmly committed to such
obligations, they are not pursued with the seriousness they require.
In this sense, there has to be more balance and fairness between
poor and rich countries in the emerging global system.
Over the last decade, the Inter-Parliamentary Union has repeatedly
called for improvement and reform in the international development
system, especially in the areas of trade, finance, food security
and good governance. The Third United Nations Conference on LDCs
offers a significant opportunity to bring a fresh impetus to the
improvement of the international development system at the start
of the new millennium.
The least developed countries require domestic and external measures
that are complementary and mutually reinforcing. The old North-South
regime should give way to a true development compact between reformers
in both donor and beneficiary countries, which must be committed
to the international development targets and capable of self-criticism
instead of mutual recrimination.
As parliamentarians representing our constituencies in cities,
towns and villages, in both densely populated and remote areas,
we call upon the Conference to take an uncompromising look at
the key challenges facing the people and governments of LDCs.
- LDCs must be the owners of their policies. International development
targets are basic objectives that cannot be attained through a
rigid, mechanical approach. They must be converted into individual
country targets and highly focused national plans,
prepared by each LDC with the full participation of its people
and - when needed - with the support of donors and international
- As parliamentarians, we are particularly conscious of the
imperative of good governance, which is a precondition
for effective forms of sustainable development. Much remains to
be done by the LDCs in putting their own houses in order, not
so as to be rewarded by donors but for their own sake. Indeed,
participatory and transparent forms of governance are crucial
to poverty eradication, as are transparent and accountable public
expenditure management and an equitable tax system, including
effective tax collection. In this connection, poverty eradication
can only be achieved with the full participation of women. Executive
arms of government have to be made accountable and their activities
must be subject to the necessary checks and balances, including
parliamentary oversight and the rule of law, and effective measures
to fight corruption.
- LDCs have yet to obtain advantages from their more intensive
involvement in the world trading system where, for the
moment, they are only marginal players. While trade has expanded
globally, the share of LDCs has remained stagnant. They face numerous
obstacles. Some of these are domestic and relate to weak institutions,
inadequate infrastructure and limited skills, and there is thus
a need to strengthen the capacity of LDCs to trade. Other obstacles
are external in the form of tariff and non-tariff barriers in
other countries, especially for types of goods and services where
they enjoy a comparative advantage. Agricultural exports from
LDCs, although they have a significant potential to grow, are
held back by trade restrictions and subsidies, including those
applied in other developing countries. Exports of more basic kinds
of manufactured goods, such as textiles, where LDCs have obvious
capacities and strengths also face similar restrictions. We call
upon the Conference to work out practical schemes for the removal
of such obstacles, which impede sustainable development in LDCs.
Trade earnings will provide LDCs with non-conditional revenue
flows that are vital for their autonomous development and will
bring them into the mainstream of the global economic system.
- LDCs are critically short of development finance. They
are not major recipients of foreign direct investment and have
no capacity to borrow on the international capital market. They
are heavily dependent upon ODA and, in view of the low level of
their incomes, their domestic savings are negligible. Even though
the United Nations has established a target of 0.15% of GNP of
developed countries to be channelled as ODA to LDCs, actual levels
declined by almost half in the 1990s to a record low of 0.05%.
Donor countries are urged to commit themselves to reversing this
decline in the immediate future and achieving the agreed target,
and more if need be. Realistic poverty reduction strategies should
not be allowed to fail for lack of external funding. At the same
time, LDCs need to attract private investment, both domestic and
foreign, by creating an attractive investment climate. First and
foremost, however, they need to stop capital flight and put their
own capital to productive domestic use, for example through micro-credit
schemes. The Group of 8 and other bodies have a role to play in
stimulating foreign investments in LDCs by the corporate private
sector. It is vital that conditionalities imposed upon LDCs by
multilateral and bilateral development partners do not jeopardise
their fragile economic and social fabric.
- Not only the quantity but also the quality of aid is important.
There is a need for greater flexibility and predictability in
aid. Ever since development assistance began, part of it has been
tied. Tied aid is corruption prone, diverts resources from priorities
and increases related costs for LDCs. Untying of aid is
a further area in which the international community should manifest
its political will and give priority to the real interests of
- The debt trap of LDCs has not been mitigated to any
great extent despite various appeals and practical efforts. Even
the enhanced HIPC Initiative, although it is welcome, is unlikely
to lead to a lasting solution of the debt problem. Once again,
we call upon both bilateral and multilateral donors to commit
themselves to measures that will lighten the debt burden of LDCs
and pave the way for enhanced growth, investment and poverty reduction
in these countries. It is important to ensure that the poor are
the first to benefit from resources released through debt relief
as part of a broader poverty reduction strategy. Moreover, it
is imperative that debt relief be financed by additional resources
and that it does not take place at the expense of assistance to
other developing countries.
- Natural and environmental resources constitute the
common inheritance and capital assets of the poor. It is the poor
who suffer most from the degradation of land, soil, water and
forestry resources which are vital to their food security, their
livelihood and their very survival. Multilateral rules and standards,
whether they be in trade, investment, intellectual property or
the environment, should contribute to the maintenance, regeneration
and enhancement of these assets, instead of their erosion. Such
rules and standards should therefore be continuously reviewed
from the perspective of the poor and of LDCs.
On behalf of the world parliamentary community, the Inter-Parliamentary
Union calls on the Third United Nations Conference on the Least
Developed Countries to take action in the interests of real, not
imaginary, progress. We believe the international community has
both the vision and the resources to make a significant change
for the better. This should be the last of the conferences for
the least developed countries. We call on everyone to demonstrate
the necessary political will to make sure that it is.
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